About the effects of the coronavirus on Sulapac’s operations

We are all concerned about the coronavirus outbreak and want to do our best to slow down the spread of the virus, while continuing serving our customer as effectively as possible.

We carefully follow the announcements by the Finnish Government and act according to the given guidelines and recommendations. Since March 13th our whole team has been working remotely and all international travel is suspended. Meetings are held online and other than the most critical domestic travel has been postponed.


Possible delays in deliveries

Due to the covid-19 situation there might be some delays on our deliveries. Several countries have closed their borders which will delay cross-border freight traffic and may require re-routing of transports. We will keep our customers updated and inform you immediately if changes in timelines occur.


Continuing towards our mission

In the middle of this challenging situation, we are grateful that Sulapac as a company stands in very good position. We have recently secured a solid funding and are well equipped to continue our work towards a plastic waste-free future.


If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact one of our team members.


Thank you for your understanding and stay safe!

Team Sulapac
